Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Magician

This week I decided to change pace a little on my book. I decided to blog about a book I am also reading, called The Magician, written by Michael Scott. It is a very interesting book about people who have special abilities. These people are able to shape their auras and use them for magic and other uses. The main characters are Sophie and Josh, they are twins, Nicholas Flamel, and then Scatty, and they are all able to use their powers in good ways, except for Josh, because he has not yet been awakened. there is certain people called elders who used to rule the world, they were worshiped as gods, and they want to take the world back. Only elders are able to awaken people’s powers and Josh needs his awakened for many reasons. Josh and Sophie are the two twins in the Book of Abraham. It says one will save the world, while the other can destroy it. The Book of Abraham will give the elders their power back, they have the book, but Josh has the two final pages, without these pages it is useless. Josh and Sophie are the only ones who can save the humans from the elders. Sophie had her powers awakened earlier by the witch of endor, and know Josh wants to have his powers so he can be equal with his twin again, he does not like being different. The elders say they can awaken him, but he still wants to be with Sophie, he doesn’t know what to do. I can not wait to keep reading and to see what Josh chooses, Sophie, having his powers awakened, or both?

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